Bitter substances are contained in many healthy foods. For example, in rocket and chicory. However, the consumption of bitter substances is declining since we eat more industrial foods than before. This also has consequences on our health, as bitter substances are not only perceived by the taste buds, but above all have positive properties on digestion. Thus, bitter substances generally promote the production of stomach acid and bile juices. These are important for fat digestion.
According to a study, bitter substances regulate the pH value by activating the bitter substance receptors (TAS2Rs). Weight loss is also associated with bitter substances. Although they actually stimulate the appetite, they also reduce the appetite for sweets at the same time. This can lead to a reduction in the amount of calories consumed (
Considering the effect of bitter substances, it is crucial whether they are activated in the mouth or in the stomach. This was investigated by scientists from the German Institute of Human Nutrition under the direction of Veronika Somoza from the University of Vienna. Basically, humans have about 25 different types of bitter receptors in their mouth and throat. In the study, the receptors that react to bitter substances in caffeine were examined with the help of pH value measurements in the stomach.
When taken in capsule form, an increased release of stomach acid was measured after about 30 minutes. With a normal intake (without capsules), the receptors in the mouth and throat area were stimulated. This led to a delayed release of stomach acid. These results are interesting for further research on therapeutics to influence the release of stomach acid (
Disclaimer: Concrete effects can not be named in the sense of dietary supplementation, as this would represent a promise of healing which is reserved for medicines.
Ingredients: Alcohol at least 59% vol., water, herbal and spice extracts, wormwood, angelica, pomeranzepeels, calamus, cardamom, milk thistle, caraway, clove, cinnamon, coriander fruits, fennel, galantl rootstock, gentian, lavender, marjoram, lemon balm, yarrow, dandelion, zitwer root, ginger
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